Other maker spaces and tool libraries (these hours and prices are old)
More at https://localtools.org/find/ and https://makerspacedir.com/
Annapolis: Annapolis Makerspace https://www.makeannapolis.org/
Baltimore: Station North tool library and shops https://www.stationnorthtoollibrary.org/
Baltimore: OpenWorks https://www.openworksbmore.com/ non-profit with impressive shop spaces and studio rental spaces and 8x10 cubicles, and many classes, $70/mo to use shops on top floor, $90 for lower floor (wood and metal shops), and 125 for both, or $25/day. Tours 11:30am MTSa, 6pm R, 2pm Su
Baltimore Hackerspace https://baltimorehackerspace.com/ 7964 Baltimore St, Baltimore
Baltimore: Harford Hackerspace http://www.harfordhackerspace.org/ 6410 Landay Ave, NE Baltimore, $25/mo Wed at 7pm only?
Baltimore Node https://baltimorenode.org/ 2106 N Lovegrove St, $50/mo, OpenHack Thurs 7pm
Baltimore/Catonsville: Fab Lab Baltimore http://www.fablabbaltimore.org/ 800 South Rolling Road, Catonsville, MD
Baltimore Foundry http://bmorefoundery.com/ 207 S Central Ave, Baltimore
Baltimore Underground Science Space (BUGSS) https://bugssonline.org/ 101 North Haven St
Brentwood: Material Things https://www.materialthingsstudio.com/
Greenbelt: The Space Free Art for All https://www.freeartforall.org/
Lanham: MakerTech Tuesdays https://www.facebook.com/MakingMakerTechTuesday/ Tuesdays 12-10 pm
Rockville: Woodcraft https://www.woodcraft.com/stores/rockville, Wood worker's club https://woodworkersclub.com/
Silver Spring: Montgomery Lib 3D printer https://montgomerycountymd.libguides.com/dml/3dprinters
Severn: Unallocated https://www.unallocatedspace.org 512 Shaw Ct, Severn, $25/mo, open house Wed 7pm
Southern Maryland (Hollywood) PaxSpace https://www.paxspace.org
Westminster: Exploration Commons https://explorationcommons.carr.org/ 50 East Main St
Washington, DC
DC Garden tools https://greenneighborsdc.org/
DC: HacDC http://www.hacdc.org/ 16th & Newton NW, visit Thur nights 6pm
DC: Sustainable Capitol Hill https://sustainablecapitolhill.org/
DC: DC Tool Library https://dctoollibrary.org/
DC: DMV Petri Dish biotech https://www.dmvpetridish.com/
West Philly http://westphillytools.org/
Philadelphia: Nextfab https://nextfab.com/discover/locations/ 4 locations $19-199/mo
Nova Labs https://www.nova-labs.org/, tours Wed 7pm, 2nd Sat 2pm
Leesburg: Makersmiths http://makersmiths.org/ 7500 sq ft, 128 active members $50-100/mo, 2 locations, open house TWR 7pm
Norfolk: Makers757 https://www.757makerspace.com/
Chantilly: Craftspace https://www.craftspaceva.com/