Opening Procedures
Turn on hallway light (switch the the right of entrance as you come in) and outside light if evening
Turn on lights in the 3 rooms, including the small white box for LED lights under the ladder
Put sign with doorbell button in window by the outside door
Prop up sandwich-board sign at top of outside stairs
Open PC and Mac, and log in using using staff account in the Chrome browser (use Firefox for people to register, log them out after and don't save passwords) at (account and the password should fill in automatically)
Welcoming people
Welcome people
Ask if they have been here before
If not, explain the library and what we have, and ask them to sign up (use Firefox browser)
First aid kit and other office supplies under standup cabinet
New members
Ask them to set up an account in Firefox browser
If they don't want to use online form, perhaps ask them to fill in the paper form, then add them as a new contact. It will email them their password.
Ask them to select a membership and pay with credit card
If they don't use credit cards, you can accept cash or check: add to Cash log and enter online as a staff-provided payment in their account
Log out their account afterwards. Don't save passwords
Closing Procedures
Close computers
Empty trash if smelly or full
Bring in sandwich-board sign and doorbell button sign
Ensure tools are unplugged. Computers, printer, doorbell all stay on
Turn off lights in the 3 rooms in 108 and 2 rooms in 110, including the small white box for LED lights
Close doors and ensure they lock. Don't forget room 110!
Turn off hall light and close outer door; ensure it clicks shut and locks
Lend-Engine manual
Check-out Procedures
Search for person in Members field with a part of their name, then select Borrow as button for them. Ensure they have no outstanding fees due
Select reservation if they have one, else search for item by number in the Items field
Ensure all parts are available and in good shape
Ask client if they are comfortable using the item safely and effectively
Point to online manual or tutorials
Choose pickup (usually green Today button) and return dates (usually the same day next week on calendar)
Add additional items then green Checkout button twice
Remind client it is due back in a week
Check–in Procedures
Search On loan and Overdue sections for checked out items
Ensure all parts are returned and in good shape. Refer to photo of item on lending site.
Ask client if they had any trouble and make a note in Comments area
Inform client of any late or dirty/damaged fees
Mark as returned
Put item in To be repaired area if needed, else return to its usual spot
Extend loans: Search On loan and Overdue sections for checked out items and “choose a new return date”